Continuous Learning Plan - Home Learning Paripatra PPT Pdf'
A digital classroom is typically one that incorporates electronic devices and software into the learning environment. A digital classroom is where a physical classroom extends into a digital space. 
The space of a digital classroom must hold potential for collaboration or continuing work outside of the classroom: reflective discussion forums online can be a good way to address this. In a digital classroom, the tone is set by technology. 

Continuous Learning Plan - Home Learning Paripatra PPT Pdf'.Because technology facilitates easy access to learning resources and networks, it’s easier for students to track their progress and for professors to highlight student work in a digital classroom.
A digital classroom refers to a classroom that is fully immersed in technology. 
These classrooms rely on educational apps and websites to enhance student learning. 
Feedback loops and technology are also important parts of a digital classroom.

Many of these sites offer free lessons; some require payment or offer verified certification for a nominal fee. Some sites offer very general non-academic lessons, others provided actual college / university curriculum course material. Whatever you are looking to learn, check out the list below before trying to wade through pages of search engine listings.